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The copywriting of 2017

The definition of the copywriting is easy and accessible: „ the art and the science of writing (words to be used on websites, advertising text, promotional materials etc.), with the purpose of selling a product/service and to convince the potential clients to act in a specific way. In many ways- to hire a copywriter is like you hired a sales man, but the difference is that the copywriter has one goal: to meet all your customers’needs using the messages he/she creates.” In 2017, the term of copywriting that means the art of writing for selling , is often confused with the term of copyright, which means royalty. Copywriting is another way of advertising, a way that we can use to influence the reader, we can inform him, offer him some suggestions or in other way to present him some false information.  Is an efficient way of promotion based on the creative writing , a particular way of writing the articles, an important area of ​​development in advertising. Copywriting is
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Branding- How a brand can become memorable

The first time when I understood what branding means, was many years ago when I was in the general school and I step into a beauty store in one of the biggest mall in Cluj-Napoca. The huge showcase was decorated with beautiful vintage flower stickers, the logo of the company was placed in the middle, made using classic burgundy fonts, the awesome interior that gave me the feeling of a `20’s boutique with a modern touch, the packaging of the products  were nicely ordered  by category, the smell that completed the atmosphere of the shop, the music that played in the background that seemed to be choose by a psychologist specialized in the behavior of the consumer, a mix of chill and cafe de Paris, all was perfectly matched in a way that  the brand stayed in my mind for many years as the coolest beauty store I’ve ever seen. I ‘we imagined the store for years, and my mind reviewed every object in the store, and the way everything was from the same picture. After a long time of fascina